Friday, April 15, 2011

Raj's Post That Would Not Post on Stuart's Blog, Unedited

Mike and Laurel: Wanted to post the following w/o success.
Stuart, Mike & Laurel.. I have read all the posting about "Goofy" and how it was declassified and how the IAU voted on it etc..

Just one point: Can we all agree that in fairness to ALL the IAU members.. let us agree that the IAU should have an electronic vote on a secured website wherein the IAU members votes for "Goofy's" status. The vote should be open for 15 days and just not when less than 15% of the members of IAU are present for voting.. In America there is a phrase called "Ram-rodding it thru" and thats what it reminds me off when the decision was taken.. As we all live in a democracy.. let the pros and cons be debated online and then voted on electronically NOW rather than at a sparsely attended IAU mtg.. Results announced and the matter buried.. There can be options of Planet vs. Non-planet vs. dwarf planet options etc..And whether the voting should be open to non IAU members etc should also be considered.. But lets keep this FAIR and BALANCED and accept a REAL majority verdict then..

Laurel: Why should I call Gas planets..a planet..right?...

Finally: I applaud Laurel, Mike & Stuart for this spirited defense.. Trawling the web and posting ones comments is a passionate person and that has to be respected w/o charecterising the person's character..

Laurel, Mike and Stuart: I hope astronomers as scientists give credit to their co-workers when credit is due.. if such credits are denied then that is character flaw.. a "101 in scientific ethics" I have learnt in Graduate school, the Prof takes credit but gives credit to the co-workers (ie: students or otherwise known as grunts).. thats ethics..

I hope the IAU is a democratic group not an autocratic one..

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